2025 8th International Conference on Structural Engineering and Industrial Architecture (ICSEIA 2025)

Review of ICSEIA 2024

Review of ICSEIA 2024

第七届结构工程与工业建筑国际学术会议(ICSEIA 2024)圆满召开

Successful Completion of the 2024 7th International Conference on Structural Engineering and Industrial Architecture (ICSEIA 2024)

    2024年3月29-31日,第七届结构工程与工业建筑国际学术会议(ICSEIA 2024)在广州理工学院成功举办。大会汇聚土木建筑的学术精英和专家学者,参会人数超200人,全程研讨氛围热烈,交流碰撞最新热点和成果,共同探讨结构工程与工业建筑领域的最新研究成果、技术创新和应用案例。

The 7th International Conference on Structural Engineering and Industrial Architecture (ICSEIA2024) was successfully held at the Guangzhou Institute of Science and Technology (GZIST) from March 29th to 31st, 2024. The conference brought together academic elites, experts, and scholars in civil engineering and architecture, with over 200 participants. Throughout the conference, Participants engaged in active discussions on research frontiers and achievements, delving into the latest findings, technological breakthroughs, and practical applications within the realms of structural engineering and industrial construction.

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大会合影 Group Photo



ICSEIA 2024 is hosted by the Guangzhou Institute of Science and Technology and organized by the School of Architecture and Engineering of GZIST. It is co-organized by the School of Civil and Transportation Engineering of Guangdong University of Technology, the School of Transportation, Civil Engineering & Architecture of Foshan University, the School of Civil Engineering and Architecture of Wuyi University, the Architecture and Civil Engineering Institute of Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology, the Maoming Civil Engineering and Architecture Society, the Financial Investment and Construction Project Management Center of Sino-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City, and the Guangdong Structural Safety and Testing Engineering Center. ICSEIA 2024 aims to facilitate in-depth exchanges on hot topics and pain points in structural engineering, industrial construction, and industrial development. Serving as a platform for communications and exchanges, the conference endeavors to promote the transformation of scientific research and academic achievements, as well as the gathering of talents, technologies, and capital, to enhance the emergent momentum propelling the development of GZIST.


张日新副校长致开幕辞 Opening Speech by Prof. Rixin Zhang (Vice President)


Professor Zhang Rixin, Vice President of GZIST, delivered a speech at the opening ceremony, extending a hearty welcome to the esteemed leaders, experts, and distinguished guests in attendance. Professor Zhang highlighted the university's commitment to leveraging this conference as a catalyst for robust industry-academia-research exchanges, fostering deeper collaboration between the university and enterprises, and collectively advancing innovation and progress.


袁鸿教授主持上午会议 Morning Session Chairman——Prof. Hong Yuan


Ramón Pedro Artiaga Díaz 教授做主题报告


Keynote Speech by Prof. Ramón Pedro Artiaga Díaz 




Keynote Speech by Prof. Dongmei Luo




Keynote Speech by Prof. Shiguo Long




Keynote Speech by Prof. Junxian Zhao

    广州理工学院/暨南大学袁鸿教授主持上午会议,上午大会报告环节,西班牙拉科鲁尼亚大学的Ramón Pedro Artiaga Díaz教授,佛山科学技术学院罗冬梅教授,湘潭大学龙士国教授,华南理工大学赵俊贤教授为大会分享主题报告。他们分享了自己的研究成果和经验,为与会者带来了启发和思考,呈现了一场内容丰富的高水平、国际化、前瞻性的学术盛宴。

Yuan Hong, a distinguished professor at both GZIST and Jinan University, presided over the morning session of the conference. This session features keynote speeches by several esteemed scholars such as Professor Ramón Pedro Artiaga Díaz from the University of A Coruña, Professor Luo Dongmei from Foshan University, Professor Long Shiguo from Xiangtan University, and Professor Zhao Junxian from South China University of Technology. These scholars shared their valuable research insights and experiences, offering inspiration and intellectual stimulation to all participants. The conference showcased a diverse, high-level, international, and forward-thinking academic gathering.


罗冬梅教授主持下午会议 Afternoon Session Chairman—— Prof. Dongmei Luo




Keynote Speech by Prof. Bingxiang Yuan




Keynote Speech by Prof. Hong Yuan


冯为民 教授做主题报告


Keynote Speech by Prof. Weimin Feng



Professor Luo Dongmei from Foshan University chaired the afternoon session of the conference. In this session, three keynote presentations and eight oral presentations were presented. More specifically, keynote presentations were given by Professor Yuan Bingxiang from Guangdong University of Technology, Professor Yuan Hong from GZIST/Jinan University, and Professor Feng Weimin from GZIST /Guangdong University of Technology. These presentations garnered significant attention from the experts and scholars present, fostering a dynamic and vibrant atmosphere that facilitated valuable academic exchanges.




The eight oral presentations were delivered by scholars from GZIST, Southeast University, Wuyi University, Guangxi University, and Tianjin Research Institute for Water Transport Engineering. Subsequent to the presentations, participants engaged in lively discussions and exchanges, enriching the academic dialogue of the conference.




Dean Wu Yanhai of the School of Architecture and Engineering of GZIST delivered the closing speech, expressing gratitude to all attendees for their participation in the conference. Moreover, he commended the remarkable achievements of the experts in their respective fields and encouraged all delegates to integrate the knowledge and experiences gained during the conference into their practical work, fostering innovation and advancement in their respective fields.










参观广州理工学院实验室 Academic Investigation at School


深圳市斯维尔科技股份有限公司介绍ueBIM产品 Sponsor Introduction


交流提问环节 Q&A


大会现场 On-site Venue


In summary, the conference has facilitated constructive dialogues and discussions, yielding positive outcomes across various dimensions. It has enriched academic discourse and research exchanges in the realms of structural engineering and industrial construction development, laying a robust groundwork for future scientific research collaboration, project partnerships, and talent exchange. This has also led to the establishment of a more extensive international network for academic exchange and cooperation.